14 de noviembre de 2006


Esto se tiene que leer en voz alta.

A.. Boy as n r = Voy a cenar = I'm gonna have dinner

B.. N L C John = en el sillon = on the armchair

C.. Who and seek ago = Juan se cago = John is a chicken things

D.. S toy tree stone = estoy triston = I'm kind a sad

E.. Lost trap eat toss = los trapitos = the little rags

F.. Desk can saw = descanso = (you) rest

G.. As say toon as = aceitunas = olives

H.. The head the star mall less stan dough = deje de estar molestando = stop bugging me

I.. See eye = si hay = yes we have

J.. T n s free o ? = tienes frio? = are you cold?

K..T N S L P P B N T S O = Tienes el pipi bien tieso = you have an erection

L.. Tell o boy ah in cruise tar = Te lo voy a incrustar = I'm going to insert it in you